Wednesday, July 31, 2013

{Ask Elizabeth} Reader Question

This weeks reader question is one I get asked quite frequently. 

"I have 3 kids and at the end of the day I'm exhausted. You have a child, and nanny as well, when do you find time to sew?"
I love sewing. I love almost all crafts, and I go through these spurts of crafting a lot {and ignoring everything else in my home}, to not crafting at all for days or even a few weeks. I stay up late a lot because our days are so busy, and I don't get to start anything until after we put our son to bed at night. I used to also use nap time to get stuff done and sometimes craft/sew, but he barely naps anymore. Sometimes he will do quiet time, but other times not. My free time is unpredictable at the moment, so it has been harder to find the time. One way I find time to do my crafting and sewing is because I don't watch TV. I am pretty good at listening to what my husband is watching, though :)

In a few short weeks when school starts for me again, I am not sure how/when I am going to find time for anything other than working and school, and taking care of our son. The school year takes so much out of me when I also have to work part/full time. But I am determined to keep blogging, and running Hoot & Bumble. I have a big vision for this new baby of mine, and I am going to make it work.

I would love some tips and tricks from other moms who have a lot on their plate, and how they handle the day to day hustle of life with kids. Whether you're a stay at home mom, a working mom, or somewhere in between, I want to hear from you. How do you do it?

I also need questions for upcoming weeks. What topics do you want to see discussed here at Hoot & Bumble?

You can comment below, email me at, or find me on Facebook.

Until next time,

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