Wednesday, August 7, 2013

{Ask Elizabeth}

I always get excited when Wednesday comes around. I particularly love the Ask Elizabeth posts because depending on the question the post can go so many ways.

This week, I am answering a question posted by Karla. 
Karla asks:

Right now you are wearing so many different shoes, I am curious as to where you see yourself 10 years from now if everything along the way goes as you have planned?

This is a great question {and who doesn't love talking about themselves?}

You're right, I am wearing so many different shoes. I have so many goals, and those goals are constantly changing as life comes my way. Right now, I am in school, working part time, and running Hoot & Bumble, all while being a full time Mommy, and wife. I explained a little about my life here.

In 10 years, I don't see us being able to slow down at all {does life ever slow down?}. Life may even get a little crazier first, if everything goes as planned.

I'd love to be at a point where I can work on Hoot & Bumble closer to full time. It has always been a dream of mine to have a handmade business. My life won't feel complete until my handmade business is thriving enough that it is my full time job. It has also been a life long dream of mine to write children's books, and I fully plan to make that happen some day. I've even been thinking about writing a book from the content on this blog. But I'm not close to there yet on that one.

 We will have another child some time in between then too, and hopefully, both children will be in school by the time 10 years comes around. I would also love to be teaching at a University, teaching the classes I am taking now. 

So you see, I have big plans for the next 10 years, and even beyond. I'm looking forward to the journey of making all of my goals happen. 

What are your goals for the next 10 years? How are you planning on making them happen? All it takes is some hard work, focus, time, & you can do anything.

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