“It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less.”
― Nathan W. Morris
//I've been pondering this idea in my own words a lot lately. Since I married my soul mate, Kyle, and since we've had a baby of our own {who is 3 years old already!}, I've been trying to do everything that is included in the roles of wife and mother. I stress when our house is not always tidy. I worry that I'm not doing my job as Mommy the "correct" way. I worry that I'm not doing enough for my family. I work, as a nanny. I go to school part time. I just turned my hobby into a job that I call Hoot & Bumble. I am always doing something. It never ends.
//Lately, I've realized that something has to give. I can't give my 100% to all of those things. So, as I add a new business to my resume, and to our family, I have to reorganize my life. So with that, I have committed to decluttering, and simplifying my life. We had a large yard sale this past weekend with all the treasures we found while organizing the basement after it flooded. We are only keeping what we absolutely need {because it should be easier to keep the house clean with less stuff in it, right?!}
//I am also learning to stop worrying about so many things. I am a worry wart by nature, but the last few months have really taught me that God is in control. I am learning to let go, and let God handle everything. He has a plan for me, and for my family, and everything that is happening is happening for a reason. I cannot stress about the little things in life. Especially not when there are so many others out there with much worse problems than what I have. I have to realize that I {we} are exactly where we are supposed to be at this very moment. Remembering this, is helping me organize my life, and my every day thoughts into simpler motions.
//Thankfully, I have a husband that isn't bothered when he comes home from work and the house is a mess because I've dropped everything to be with our toddler, or do my homework. Or simply because I needed a craft day. Kyle is the perfect person for me, and my personality, and the past almost 8 years with him have taught me so much about myself and our relationship. All he has to do is look at me, and give me a hug, and any worries I may have had are washed away. He's amazingly perfect.
// So, as I learn to simplify my life, let go of my worries, and trust that I am doing everything the best I can, and I am doing a good job at it, I will try to focus less on the little things in life, and more on what really matters = my family, and our goals- both big and small.
//I encourage all of you to do the same.
//I encourage all of you to do the same.
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